(1) Jurusan Sistem Informasi STMIK Pringsewu Lampung

Hevea brasiliensis (rubber) is included in the genus Hevea from the family Euphorbiaceae, a tropical wood tree originating from the Amazon forest. Researchers say that until now Indonesia has the widest rubber plantation area but is not supported by high productivity. This of course will cause economic losses. The economic loss from rubber cultivation is due to an attack of disease, one of which is Moldy Rot disease that often attacks these rubber plants. The cause of Moldy Rot disease is the Ceratocystis fimbriata fungus. This fungus has hyphae threads that form a gray layer on the affected part. Moldy rot causes injury to the tapping area, so the recovery of the skin is disturbed. As a result, the tapping area becomes bumpy, making it difficult for the next tapping. Certainty of diagnosis of Moldy Rot disease can be done through laboratory tests. Expert systems are computer programs that mimic the reasoning of an expert with expertise in a particular area of knowledge. Expert systems try to find solutions, provide suggestions or conclusions that are consistent with existing problems. In this study, the authors diagnose Moldy Rot disease by building an expert system that can analyze disease symptoms into a decision on the name of the disease using the SDLC method (System Development Life Cycle) and using the Forward chaining method as a search method.
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