(1) Program Studi Manajemen Informatika STMIK Pringsewu Lampung

SD Muhammadiyah Banyuwangi is in the district Pringsewu Lampung. Currently in accepting new students it still uses manual system so that the society that are far from the school sometimes difficult in enrolling their children in this school. The problem is what kept researchers to conduct research and design an application in primary SD Muhammadiyah Banyuwangi online registration. The purpose of this research is to make application online registration web based mobile and made it easier for employees to schools in report accepting new students. It is the usefulness of an application for new students enrolled in SD Muhammadiyah Banyuwangi and ease in data storage new students. The enrolment this program was conducted online by using smartphones who is connected with the internet network so that it can be done anywhere.
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