
Along with the development of today's technology in Indonesia, the internet has been widely known to all the people of Indonesia, the ease of accessing the internet menjadi one reason many internet users in Indonesia. Internet has become a reference for people to seek information, business and others. There are still many benefits generated by the internet. Information systems forum sharing web-based mobile science is one of the media that utilize the internet as a means of gathering and discussing to exchange information for internet users who want to share knowledge to the community who have not been educated. With the existence of the forum, the community can know which areas are still a lot of education and can make the organization to be able to share their knowledge directly to the community. The process of making information systems forum sharing web-based mobile knowledge by analyzing the existing system using SDLC method. Next make the design of system design using DFD (Data Flow Diagram) and ERD (Entity relationship Diagram), then proceed with making web-based mobile website design using structured programming techniques and programming languages HTML, PHP and MYSQL database.
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