(1) Program Studi Sistem Informasi STMIKPringsewu Lampung
(2) Prodi Sistem Informasi STMIK Pringsewu Lampung

The development of information technology has created many breakthroughs in all fields. One of these is the decision support system in determining the proper bamboo to make traditional household appliance. Bamboo is a type of grass plants with cavities and segments in the trunk. Bamboo has many types such as bamboo apus, bamboo betung, bamboo gombong, and spotted bamboo. To determine the bamboo that can be used for making traditional household tools often craftsmen experience many obstacles so that the need for a system that can help the craftsmen. The system will be built using Topsis method. Determination of bamboo to make traditional household appliance with topsis method that is by taking some criterion that is bamboo color, bamboo age, bamboo diameter, bamboo length, bamboo thickness.Adanya this system can facilitate pengarajin in determining the best bamboo. From the calculation of Topsis obtained the result that bamboo gombong is a bamboo option to make traditional household appliance with amount in accordance with predetermined criteria.
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