Tria Suci Cahyani(1), Dilla Safira(2), Santika Lana Hayati(3), Mohamad Bagoes Ali Yuddin(4), Dodik Arwin Dermawan(5),

(1) Study Program of Information Management, Vocational Program, Surabaya State University
(2) Study Program of Information Management, Vocational Program, Surabaya State University
(3) Study Program of Information Management, Vocational Program, Surabaya State University
(4) Study Program of Information Management, Vocational Program, Surabaya State University
(5) Study Program of Information Management, Vocational Program, Surabaya State University
Corresponding Author


Children self-taught install many games on their gadgets so they can play in their free time. Because children feel bored, games are a solution for parents to overcome them. In addition to encouraging children's creativity and imagination, playing games can develop skills as well as a means for developing thinking patterns/ problem solving, using children's logic and instincts whose hopes can also develop their talents or abilities and direct them to positive things. With the waterfall method, game development is made manually and in stages starting from the visual background, actors, and other elements in the game, using the construct 2 application as supporting software in game development. The quality of the game based on the results of the questionnaire given to the respondents is in the existing picture. The game "Season Explorer" still has a few problems during the game. 17.6% of all respondents' opinions, respondents gave various suggestions. These suggestions are to add more obstacles, improve the level of the game, actors can be developed again, add more musical instruments which are suitable for children's daily lives because the game is more specifically for the children's category and overcome errors when the game is played


Construct 2, Game, Waterfall


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DOI: 10.56327/jurnaltam.v13i2.1297


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